KEI’s High Voltage Cables include voltage grade ranges in 3.3 kV to 33 kV, suitably ideal for power transmission & distrubution.
KEI offers High Voltage Cables with following special features adopting the site installation requirements.
- Water/moisture resistant MV cables : Cables designs incorporating corrugated Aluminium sheath (CAS), corrugated Copper sheath (CCU), corrugated Stainless steel sheath (CSS), lead alloy sheath (LAS) or Polyethylene laminated Aluminium tape (APL) are most suitable cable designs to lay in conditions susceptible to water & moisture.
- Flame retardant (FR), Flame retardant low smoke & halogen (FR-LSH), low smoke, zero halogen (LSZH) MV cables : At stringent places like hospital, cinema halls, shopping malls, tunnels, Airports, intermittent or continuous presence of flamable gaseous materials etc., cables subjected to fire are constructed with the above material for full safety.
- Rodent & termite resistant MV cables : Cables are designed for robust protection needed to block rodents and polyamide jacket provides anti-termite protection.
Why Our HV Cables?
Our High Voltage cables are manufactured using latest in technology triple layer extrusion, with Semiconducting bonded conductor screen, XLPE or EPR insulation and over semiconducting layer in one continous process, ensuring longer cable lifespan with minimal breakdowns. XLPE use in cables ensures excellent Electrical and Mechanical performance, also with lower dielectric factor.
- “KEI” Single Core Compacted Aluminium & Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated, Unarmoured & Armoured Cable AL & CU / XLPE / AL Wire / PVC Conforming to IS 7098 Part-2/1985
- “KEI” Single Core Aluminium & Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated, Unarmoured & Armoured Cable Conforming to IS 7098 Part-2/1985
- “KEI” Three Core Aluminium & Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated, Armoured Cable Conforming to IS 7098 Part-2/1985